Footprints in the Sand by Sarah Challis

When Emily Kingsley arrives at the church, late and sad, for her Great Aunt Mary’s funeral, she has no idea that her life is about to change completely. Still grieving for her broken relationship with the vain, mean and unfaithful Ted, and trying to come to terms with the cracks which seem to be appearing in her parents’ marriage, she sobs her heart out in the church. At the wake afterwards, however, she and her cousin Clemmie are told that Mary has appointed them executors of part of her Will. They are to transport her ashes to Mali, in western Africa and her final resting place is to be Timadjlalen, in the Saharan desert. And so begins Emily and Clemmie’s adventure — a journey that will be the most important of their lives.
From Amazon

The start of this book, although interesting, seemed to read like most other ‘general fiction’ books that I’ve read. Thankfully that doesn’t last for long, as the girls start their journey. The story strolls along at a leisurely pace, until suddenly I was finding it hard to put it down. It starts to grab hold of you, and by the end, I absolutely loved it, and didn’t want it to end.

The reasoning behind Mary’s wishes remain a mystery until near the end, so you share the girls puzzlement along with them.. although there are some tantalising hints. As her story unfolds, it is interesting to witness the differences between the two time zones.

The ending is possibly slightly predictable, but is still beautifully written, and rather emotional. It was at this point when I realised just how much I had grown to know the two girls,and how I felt I had shared their journey with them.

This is another author that I shall be watching out for!

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