Comfort Food by Kate Jacobs

comfort food

Amazon description:

The ingredients: Why can’t Gus find time to organise her own birthday party? Because shes too busy sorting out the problems of her friends and family; it seems everyone is facing a career challenge or a romantic dilemma.

The recipe: A series of Sunday suppers (televised, of course) that show real people making real food. And over delicious dishes, relaxed chat and a few bottles of wine, her guests find they have nourished their souls as well as tempting their tastebuds.

Comfort food. A celebration of life itself.

This is the third book by Kate Jacobs that I have read. It is different from her other two pieces: The Friday Night Knitting Club and Knit Two, but just as enjoyable. This is female fiction at a high standard. Instead of focussing on knitting, Jacobs takes us on a journey of food and life in the media.

The book is full of heartache, determination and recipes. Gus finds herself in competition for TV ratings with Miss Spain, and when they are forced to work together pandemonium breaks out. There are heart-wrenching moments in this book, but also some entertaining ones; for example I thought Gary and the team-building weekend was hilarious.

I enjoyed reading this book. I like Jacobs style – she draws you in and holds your attention. There were times when the story could be predicted but it was entertaining all the same. I have found that her novels are not quick-reads but well worth taking the time over. She writes some great characters, and instead of having them just on the side-lines she has chapters dedicated to them. I think Hannah, Gus’ neighbour was my favourite character. I loved that she always had a constant supply of junk food with her – my kinda gal!

I enjoyed reading this book, it was time well spent. As ever, Jacobs wrote an entertaining story that I really enjoyed.


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One thought on “Comfort Food by Kate Jacobs

  1. inver

    Sounds another good read.

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