Posts Tagged With: Adam Nevill

No One Gets Out Alive by Adam Nevill (Early Review)

Cash-strapped, working for agencies and living in shared accommodation, Stephanie Booth feels she can fall no further. So when she takes a new room at the right price, she believes her luck has finally turned. But 82 Edgware Road is not what it appears to be.

It’s not only the eerie atmosphere of the vast, neglected house, or the disturbing attitude of her new landlord, Knacker McGuire, that makes her uneasy – it’s the whispers behind the fireplace, the scratching beneath floors, the footsteps in the dark, and the young women weeping in neighbouring rooms. And when Knacker’s cousin Fergal arrives, the danger goes vertical.

But this is merely a beginning, a gateway to horrors beyond Stephanie’s worst nightmares. And in a house where no one listens to the screams, will she ever get out alive?

Once again we have a dark and disturbing tale from the pen of Adam Nevill, and it’s one which took me on a roller coaster ride. It’s a difficult book to review without giving any of the plot away, especially at this early stage before publication, so for now I’ll be brief.

It starts with a rather traditional, chilling ghost story, as Stephanie spends her first night in her new room, and starts to experience sounds in her own room, and weeping in other rooms, which she’s sure are unoccupied.

The horror then becomes very real, as her landlord and his cousin show their true, terrifying, violent sides.

Throughout these experiences, Adam does something he did very well in Apartment 16.. he shows the absolute despair and depression felt as Stephanie’s world spirals out of her control, and she feels the full impact of having no-one, and nothing.

I’ll admit, as someone who’s read a LOT of horror in my time, I liked the creepy start much more than the violent aspect, but it was a necessary part of the story, and it didn’t overwhelm the scares.

The last third of the book was my absolute favourite though – I didn’t know where the book was going at this part, but for me it was the scariest part – I almost had to leave the light on a couple of times!

I’ve read Banquet for the Damned, Apartment 16, and The Ritual previously, and to me, Adam managed to bring all the best aspects of these books together in this one. There’s something inside for all sorts of horror readers, along with a critical view of parts of society.

It’s the best I’ve read so far, and I will highly recommend you get hold of it on the 23rd, and read as you approach Halloween! I’d love to chat to some of you about it. 🙂

Published by PanMacmillan 23/10/14

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Apartment 16 by Adam Nevill

Apartment 16

Adam Nevill first came to my attention when I reviewed Banquet for the Damned, a chilling tale of the supernatural which reminded me of the old style writing of the likes of MR James and Edgar Allen Poe. I was therefore interested to see what Apartment 16 would offer.

I was not disappointed. Adam takes the writing style used in Banquet for the Damned, but takes it up a notch. This time, whilst there are still shades of James and Poe, these have been blended with the more modern style of writers such as Stephen King. If you enjoyed the haunting of Jack within the hotel in The Shining, then you’ll appreciate the story of Seth. It’s less subtle, but it works.

So to the story – the book is based around Barrington House, an apartment block in London, which is mainly now home to elderly residents. One of these residents dies, and leaves her apartment to her remaining family, who live in America, and have lost touch with Lillian.

Apryl comes over to London to see the apartment, and make all the necessary arrangements. She’s captivated by the life that her Great Aunt lived, but soon realises that there is something wrong in the Apartment, and indeed in Barrington House as a whole.

Our other main character is Seth, a night porter at Barrington. Seth is a troubled soul, who soon realises that the heart of the problem lies in Apartment 16, and is unfortunately soon under it’s chilling influence.

There is a contrast between these two experiences. Through Apryl we experience a subtle ‘haunted house’ effect, with images in her peripheral vision, and in mirrors. The effects of the apartment are soon felt, and she’s determined to find out more.

Seth experiences a far more dramatic change, as he becomes influenced by the powers in Barrington House. They enter his dreams first, and then his waking life – and through this Adam manages to paint an extremely bleak view of life in London.

These contrasting experiences did jar a little when I first came across them. I personally preferred Apryl’s story more at the beginning, and found the shift into Seth’s perspective difficult at first. However, once I settled into it, the story flowed better, and it was soon hard to put it down.

If you’re looking for something a little different in the horror genre, which doesn’t try to rely on gore, sex and shocks, then this is highly recommended. The blend of styles is an interesting one, and once the book settles down, it has a lot to offer.

Apartment 16 at

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